Knick Knacks for your space.

"Follow the path of the unsafe, independent thinker"
-Thomas Watson

Friday, August 2, 2013

Notes before Orders

Some things to N.O.T.E before ordering:

1) all items are pre- ordered (unless stated) and will take around 2 weeks to 1 month

2) there is a certain risk ordering stuff online so it's definitely only suited more for risk 


*shipping rate will be bore by you if you need to exchange the items for some reason. 

P/S: i have my limitations too

3) orders must be paid in full via bank transfer with name and transaction reference and 

I will process after verification

4) full refund will be given for out-of-stock items

5) wholesale buyers: you can mix and match a minimum of 15 different/same items to 

qualify for a 20% discount!

6) items are mainly by self collection OR courier services can be arranged (logistics 

charges apply) 

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